Thursday, December 28, 2006

Blonde Extinction

A colleague told me one day that I was a dying breed. I thought she was referring to my infectious personality, but she was actually referencing my hair color (which is natural). I laughed, but she told me to check out the article. It kind of scared me, to be honest. The article says that natural blondes, are in fact, fading out. I guess I can understand this. In my own family, my brother, sister and I are all natural blondes. My sister's children are brunettes, a trait they inherited from their Asian father. There are more inter-racial marriages these days. I just never thought that blondes might die out. I was discussing this with my students and one of them said, "Well who are we going to make all the jokes about when this happens?" I had to laugh; very true- who will be the butt of so many jokes?


Anonymous said...

Maybe it's just an urban legend?

Bo said...

I hope so!! Another fact that I read is that blonde hair resulted from a mutation 11,000 years ago. That's really not that long ago!