Monday, February 5, 2007

Class and Dignity

If I thought Thursday was a good morning in Indiana, I think today will probably top it! We are very proud of our Colts. However, I have to say that I am the most proud of Tony Dungy. He is a man of class and dignity that is unparalleled in the professional sports arena.
Why do I respect Tony Dungy? Did anyone hear his speech after the game? The trophy was first given to Jim Irsay, owner of the Colts. After the championship game two weeks ago, Jim accepted the trophy and said that even though the trophy shined and had a lot of glory, all of the glory goes back to God. I have to admit that even as he was saying glory, I braced myself. As a strong Christian, that is a term that I reserved for the Lord and when Jim finished his sentence and gave the glory back to God, I felt sheepish for having braced myself. Well, last night Jim Irsay said the same thing and then handed the trophy to Tony Dungy, who said that the Lord takes you through, but not always in a straight path and that the Lord was with them through all of this. The commentator said that this win also held special social significance (referring to the fact that he was now the first African-American SuperBowl coach). His response was so eloquent it brought tears to my eyes. He said that yes, it was important and he was proud, but he was more proud of the fact that he and Lovie Smith are strong Chrisitans and did it God's way. Need I say more? The man has class and dignity and he's our Coach!!

PS- I loved the Oprah/Letterman commercial!

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