Monday, March 19, 2007


What is it anyway? For whatever reason, this is something that I've been thinking frequently about lately.
I know that I am blessed to have grown up in the family that I have, as far as prejudice is concerned.
My grandparents are French (well, my Granny is Belgian but French Belgian- Walloonian). In fact, my Grandmother didn't even speak English until she went to Kindergarten. My grandfather's family is from Alsache, which through the years has been in Germany and France. My Granny's family, specifically, was very open-minded. They were, according to Granny, appalled at the racisim that existed in America when they moved here in the 20's. It would make sense; there are two national languages in Belgium, so they must be used to getting along w/those different from them. Whatever the reason, I was raised that all races are equal, each race and culture have people that are commendable and those that are not. I also know that all cutlures have their pros and cons. The trick is to look for the pros. If you look for the negative in something- you'll always find it.
One of the things that bothers me is when I hear people say, "Well, I don't have a problem with _______ (insert race or culture), but I wouldn't want my kid to marry one." Well, then you do have a problem with them, at least on some level. What is the person like? Are they kind and generous? Do they have the same expectations of marriage that your child does? How will they treat your child? Those are the real questions that should be asked. And for many, are they the same religion? Many faiths, including my own, support marriage of someone from the same faith (for Christians- we are not to be unequally yoked). But, to exclude someone solely based on their color or country of origin is prejudice.
I think we all have some presumed ideas about different races and cultures, but we really must try to learn as much as we can about each culture, and keep an open mind as well. One thing I like about where I work is that every afternoon, after prayer, we say, "Remember to give an honest effort and to keep an open mind."

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