Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Answered Prayer X Four

I am the youngest of three; my brother and sister are 6 and 7 years older. For whatever reason, I never wanted to be the youngest and I was always asking for another sibling. I don't know why. Many people relish their "youngest" status, but I just never felt like our family was complete. One year at Christmas (I was about 5), when Cabbage Patch Kids were the most sought-after gift, I told my mom that she could either buy me 5 Cabbage Patch Kids or have a baby for me for Christmas. I even added, "That's the deal. Take it or leave it." I ended up getting two Cabbage Patch Kids.
About that time, China began its one-child-per-family policy and orphanages in China were being overrun with baby girls. In Chinese culture, the family must pay a large dowery for the girls; consequently, families would put their girls up for adoption and try for a boy. This hurt my family deeply, as we love both baby boys and girls. To appease my desire for a baby, my mom told me to pray that God would leave a Chinese baby girl on our doorstep. So, each night when she came in to hear me say my prayers, I prayed for that Chinese baby. At the time, we didn't know anyone who was Chinese, which made this prayer all the more odd.
Years went by, and my parents didn't have another baby, nor did the stork drop one off on our doorstep. I had forgotten about my Chinese baby.
When I was 15, my sister began dating a new man, who happened to be Chinese. As their relationship became more serious, we were completely adopted into his family. We went to the Chinese parties, we ate at their family-owned restaraunts, and became bonified blonde Chinese. Well, one cousin in particular stuck out to us. She was in the 5th grade and her father had recently passed away. Her mom worked long hours, and we began to take her to her cheerleading practices, to friends' houses, etc. As the years went on, (and my sister married the man) this girl became part of my family. When her mom decided to move a half an hour away, she moved in with us. And....guess what! I got my Chinese baby!! Well, ok, so she wasn't exactly a baby, but I got the little sister that I had always wanted.
The cherry on top of the icing on top of the cake was that my sister and her husband have three kids, all girls. Not only did my prayer get answered, it was answered times four! When I feel like God isn't acting on something I am praying about, I just sit back and remember that not only does He answer- He often exceeds my expectations!
Happy Chinese New Year!


Anonymous said...

Blondie, this is SUCH a great example of God's goodness! At times, seemingly slow to our impatient understanding, but His timing SO perfect. You made my evening. Thanks!

Bo said...

Thanks for stopping by. Sometimes I have to sit back and remember His goodness and faithfulness in my life to keep myself patient. I'm glad I made your day!

Anonymous said...

My mother always says, Don't wish for girls, you'll get them by the dozen :)

Bo said...

Ha! I've never heard that one- I'll have to tell my mom. I feel sorry for my brother-in-law sometimes with all of us women. Of course, some would say he is lucky...:)