Saturday, March 24, 2007

To Royal Jordanian or not

Ok, so we've settled on where we are going to travel this summer. Now, the debate is what airline to take. We are working on a pro's and con's list.
Pros for RJ
$300 cheaper
direct flight from Chicago

Cons for RJ
doesn't look like we can pick our seats
when we asked a Jordanian about it-"noisy, lots of kids, person sitting next to you will ask a zillion questions why you are going to Jordan"

Pros for American Airlines
can pick our seats
maybe a more comfortable option
I fully admit this is a "teeny little pro" but they stop over in London and my all time favorite accessories store is in London (Accessorize) and they have one at the Heathrow Airport

Cons for American Airlines
more expensive
indirect flight (sometimes you just want to get somewhere)
maybe not as culturally enriching as RJ, besides I put up with (and enjoy) 50 teenagers everyday, what's 13 hours with a bunch a kids?:)



Who-sane! said...

Hi there. Crashed in from a comment you left on Qwaider's blog.

Not because I'm Jordanian, but RJ is an excellent carrier and all that talk about having too many kids is only during summer vacations, when Jordanian expats return to Jordan to spend their holidays. So there shouldn't be any kids during this time of the year, and by the way ... RJ uses its best carriers for long-distance, such as Chicago-Amman.

So I'd definitely recommend RJ, especially that's it's cheaper. Use the 300 bucks to spend an extra day there or something.

And do enjoy your stay :-)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by! I have heard others praise RJ as well. We are going in the summer- June actually. Thanks for the advice! We can't wait!