Friday, March 9, 2007

Traveling nieces...

Last weekend, my baby niece came up to stay (ok, so she's not exactly a baby- she's four). This was her first visit by herself. It always amazes me how different my nieces are. The oldest is 16 and way too cool for family. She has her license and zooms here, there, and everywhere. Then there is the 10 year-old, Olive Oil (she's written a post before) who is practically inseperable from me. However, Baby Olive Oil, has always been a home-body. She begins Kindergarten next year, and now she's decided she's old enough to spend the weekend in "Emilyinapolis" (aka, Indianapolis).
She packed a week in advance and carried her suitcase all through the house with her! The good news is that she made it the entire weekend (she wasn't sure because she thought she might miss her mom too much). We had a "slumber party" Saturday night. I let her eat chocolate chip cookies and popcorn for dinner and we watched "Hannah Montana". Then, she put in her Hannah Montana CD and we danced the night away. I discovered that I can no longer eat junk and bounce around for longer than 15 minutes at a time- I'm too old and feel nauseous. We had a great time. During our dance marathon, Baby Olive Oil turned to me and said, "I'll bet we're the last people still awake at your apartment!!" I looked at the clock- it was 7:44! I didn't have the heart to tell her that probably most people were still eating dinner:) Poor thing, she inherited our early to bed syndrome. On Sunday, we met my mom, sister, Olive Oil, and Granny half way between our hometown and Indy to go shopping. As I was driving back to Indy Sunday night, I was so thankful that I can enjoy the alone time with my nieces. These are really the memories that can't be bought.
And not to be outdone, Olive Oil is on her way up here for the weekend as I type this!

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